@ -1,322 +0,0 @@ |
#include <GUIconstants.au3> |
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> |
#include<Misc.au3> |
#NoTrayIcon |
Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 4) |
Opt("WinWaitDelay", 0) |
Opt("GUIonEventMode",1) |
;~ Global $SRCCOPY = 0x00CC0020 |
Global $leave = 0 |
Global $Paused=0 |
$MouseModifier = 1 |
$PressedTime = 1 |
HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "TogglePause") |
HotKeySet("{INS}", "_copyHEX") |
Tooltip("AU3MAG", 0, 0,"","",4) |
$MyhWnd = WinGetHandle("classname=tooltips_class32") |
GUICreate("PC", 180, 410,0, 0, -1, $WS_EX_TOPMOST) |
GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE,"_exit") |
GUICtrlCreateGroup(" Mouse coords ", 10, 10, 160, 50) |
GUICtrlCreateLabel("X:", 25, 33, 15, 15) |
$MousePosX=GUICtrlCreateInput("", 40, 30, 40, 20, $ES_READONLY) |
GUICtrlCreateLabel("Y:", 90, 33, 15, 15) |
$MousePosY=GUICtrlCreateInput("", 105, 30, 40, 20, $ES_READONLY) |
GUICtrlCreateGroup(" Color codes ", 10, 70, 160, 110) |
GUICtrlCreateLabel("Decimal:", 25, 93, 50, 15) |
$PixelColor=GUICtrlCreateInput("", 80, 90, 70, 20, $ES_READONLY) |
GUICtrlCreateLabel("Hex:", 25, 123, 50, 15) |
$hexColor=GUICtrlCreateInput("", 80, 120, 70, 20,$ES_READONLY) |
GUICtrlCreateLabel("Color:", 25, 153, 50, 15) |
$MostrarColor=GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 80, 150, 70, 20,$ES_READONLY) |
GUICtrlCreateGroup(" Special options ", 10, 190, 160, 145) |
$RB_Full = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Full Screen", 25, 210, 100, 20) |
GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_CHECKED) |
$RB_Window = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Active Window", 25, 230, 100, 20) |
$Mag= GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Magnify", 25, 250, 100, 20) |
$Solid= GUICtrlCreateRadio("Solid crosshair", 35, 270, 100, 20) |
$Inver= GUICtrlCreateRadio("Inverted crosshair", 35, 290, 120, 20) |
$KeyBMouse= GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Move cursor with keyb.", 25, 310, 140, 20) |
$Ayuda=GUICtrlCreateButton("Help",10,345,77) |
GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,"Ayuda") |
$Saltar=GUICtrlCreateButton("Jump to",92,345,77) |
GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,"Saltar") |
GUICtrlCreateLabel("PAUSE: Freeze/Unfreeze", 0, 380 ,180,15,$SS_CENTER) |
GUICtrlSetColor(-1,0x00808080) |
GUICtrlCreateLabel("INS: Copy hex code to clipboard", 0, 395 ,180,15,$SS_CENTER) |
GUICtrlSetColor(-1,0x00808080) |
GUISetIcon (@ScriptDir & "\pipette.ico") |
GUISetState() |
data() |
Func data() |
While 1 |
Sleep(50) |
Opt("WinTitleMatchMode",4) |
If (_IsPressed(25) + _IsPressed(26) + _IsPressed(27) + _IsPressed(28)) = 0 Then |
_ResetSpeed() |
EndIf |
$msg=GUIGetMsg() |
Select |
Case $msg=$GUI_EVENT_CLOSE |
Exit |
EndSelect |
If GUICtrlRead($KeyBMouse)=$GUI_CHECKED Then |
MouseKeyb() |
Else |
MouseKeybNO() |
EndIf |
If GUICtrlRead($Mag)=$GUI_CHECKED Then |
GUICtrlSetState($RB_Window,$GUI_DISABLE) |
GUICtrlSetState($Solid,$GUI_ENABLE) |
GUICtrlSetState($Inver,$GUI_ENABLE) |
GUICtrlSetState($RB_Full,$GUI_CHECKED) |
WinSetState($MyhWnd,"",@SW_SHOW) |
MAG() |
Else |
GUICtrlSetState($RB_Window,$GUI_ENABLE) |
WinSetState($MyhWnd,"",@SW_HIDE) |
EndIf |
If GUICtrlRead($RB_Full) = $GUI_CHECKED Then |
Opt("MouseCoordMode", 1) |
Opt("PixelCoordMode", 1) |
$pos=MouseGetPos() |
$color=PixelGetColor($pos[0],$pos[1]) |
GUICtrlSetData($MousePosX, $pos[0]) |
GUICtrlSetData($MousePosY, $pos[1]) |
GUICtrlSetData($PixelColor,$color) |
$HEX6=StringRight(Hex($color),6) |
GUICtrlSetData($hexColor,"0x"&$HEX6) |
GUICtrlSetBkColor($MostrarColor,"0x"&Hex($color)) |
Else |
Opt("MouseCoordMode", 0) |
Opt("PixelCoordMode", 0) |
Opt("WinTitleMatchMode",1) |
$win = WinGetPos("") |
$pos=MouseGetPos() |
If $pos[0] >= 0 And $pos[0] <= $win[2] and $pos[1] >= 0 And $pos[1] <= $win[3] Then |
$color=PixelGetColor($pos[0],$pos[1]) |
GUICtrlSetData($MousePosX, $pos[0]) |
GUICtrlSetData($MousePosY, $pos[1]) |
GUICtrlSetData($PixelColor,$color) |
$HEX6=StringRight(Hex($color),6) |
GUICtrlSetData($hexColor,"0x"&$HEX6) |
GUICtrlSetBkColor($MostrarColor,"0x"&Hex($color)) |
Else |
GUICtrlSetData($MousePosX, "----") |
GUICtrlSetData($MousePosY, "----") |
GUICtrlSetData($PixelColor,"") |
GUICtrlSetData($hexColor,"") |
EndIf |
EndIf |
WEnd |
EndFunc |
Func TogglePause() |
$Paused = NOT $Paused |
While $Paused |
sleep(10) |
$msg=GUIGetMsg() |
Select |
Case $msg=$GUI_EVENT_CLOSE |
Exit |
EndSelect |
WEnd |
EndFunc |
Func MAG() |
$MyHDC = DLLCall("user32.dll","int","GetDC","hwnd",$MyhWnd) |
If @error Then Return |
$DeskHDC = DLLCall("user32.dll","int","GetDC","hwnd",0) |
If Not @error Then |
$xy = MouseGetPos() |
If Not @error Then |
$l = $xy[0]-10 |
$t = $xy[1]-10 |
DLLCall("gdi32.dll","int","StretchBlt","int",$MyHDC[0],"int",0,"int",0,"int",100,"int",100,"int",$DeskHDC[0],"int",$l,"int",$t,"int",20,"int",20,"long",$SRCCOPY) |
If $xy[0]<(@DesktopWidth-120) then |
$XArea= $xy[0] + 20 |
Else |
$XArea= $xy[0] - 120 |
EndIf |
If $xy[1]<(@DesktopHeight-120) then |
$YArea= $xy[1] + 20 |
Else |
$YArea= $xy[1] - 120 |
EndIf |
WinMove($myhwnd, "",$XArea,$YArea , 100, 100) |
If GUICtrlRead($Solid)=$GUI_CHECKED Then |
CrossHairsSOLID($MyHDC[0]) |
EndIf |
If GUICtrlRead($Inver)=$GUI_CHECKED Then |
CrossHairsINV($MyHDC[0]) |
EndIf |
EndIf |
DLLCall("user32.dll","int","ReleaseDC","int",$DeskHDC[0],"hwnd",0) |
EndIf |
DLLCall("user32.dll","int","ReleaseDC","int",$MyHDC[0],"hwnd",$MyhWnd) |
EndFunc |
Func Ayuda() |
MsgBox(0,"Help","*Use magnifier for more presicion." & @CRLF & "" & @CRLF & "*Use 'move cursor with keyboard' option for more presicion." & @CRLF & " -Keeping arrow key pressed increases speed." & @CRLF & " -Shift+'arrow' moves mouse cursor faster." & @CRLF & "" & @CRLF & "*Use 'Jump to' to move mouse cursor to a specified pixel" & @CRLF & @CR&"*Press PAUSE to freeze and unfreeze." & @CRLF & "" & @CRLF &"*Press INS to copy HEX code to clipboard.") |
EndFunc |
Func Saltar() |
Do |
$SaltarCord=InputBox("Jump to","Enter pixel coordinates you want to jump to."&@CRLF&"Example: 123,420",MouseGetPos(0)&","&MouseGetPos(1),"",150,150) |
$CoordsM=StringSplit($SaltarCord,",") |
Until @error OR ($CoordsM[1]<=@DesktopWidth AND $CoordsM[2]<=@DesktopHeight) |
if not @error Then |
BlockInput(1) |
MouseMove($CoordsM[1],$CoordsM[2]) |
BlockInput(0) |
EndIf |
EndFunc |
Func MouseKeyb() |
HotKeySet("+{UP}", "_UpArrow") |
HotKeySet("{UP}", "_UpArrow") |
HotKeySet("+{DOWN}", "_DownArrow") |
HotKeySet("{DOWN}", "_DownArrow") |
HotKeySet("+{LEFT}", "_LeftArrow") |
HotKeySet("{LEFT}", "_LeftArrow") |
HotKeySet("+{RIGHT}", "_RightArrow") |
HotKeySet("{RIGHT}", "_RightArrow") |
EndFunc |
Func MouseKeybNO() |
HotKeySet("+{UP}") |
HotKeySet("{UP}") |
HotKeySet("+{DOWN}") |
HotKeySet("{DOWN}") |
HotKeySet("+{LEFT}") |
HotKeySet("+{LEFT}") |
HotKeySet("{LEFT}") |
HotKeySet("+{RIGHT}") |
HotKeySet("{RIGHT}") |
EndFunc |
Func nada() |
EndFunc |
Func _copyHEX() |
ClipPut(Guictrlread($hexColor)) |
EndFunc;==>_ShowInfo |
Func _UpArrow() |
Local $MousePos = MouseGetPos() |
If _IsPressed(10) Then |
$i = 10 |
Else |
$i = 1 |
EndIf |
If $MousePos[1] > 0 Then |
_BoostMouseSpeed() |
MouseMove($MousePos[0], $MousePos[1] - ($MouseModifier * $i), 1) |
EndIf |
EndFunc;==>_UpArrow |
Func _DownArrow() |
If _IsPressed(10) Then |
$i = 10 |
Else |
$i = 1 |
EndIf |
Local $MousePos = MouseGetPos() |
If $MousePos[1] < @DesktopHeight Then |
_BoostMouseSpeed() |
MouseMove($MousePos[0], $MousePos[1] + ($MouseModifier * $i),1) |
EndIf |
EndFunc;==>_DownArrow |
Func _LeftArrow() |
If _IsPressed(10) Then |
$i = 10 |
Else |
$i = 1 |
EndIf |
Local $MousePos = MouseGetPos() |
If $MousePos[0] > 0 Then |
_BoostMouseSpeed() |
MouseMove($MousePos[0] - ($MouseModifier * $i), $MousePos[1],1) |
EndIf |
EndFunc;==>_LeftArrow |
Func _RightArrow() |
If _IsPressed(10) Then |
$i = 10 |
Else |
$i = 1 |
EndIf |
Local $MousePos = MouseGetPos() |
If $MousePos[0] < @DesktopWidth Then |
_BoostMouseSpeed() |
MouseMove($MousePos[0] + ($MouseModifier * $i), $MousePos[1],1) |
EndIf |
EndFunc;==>_RightArrow |
Func _BoostMouseSpeed() |
If IsInt($PressedTime / 10) Then |
$MouseModifier = $MouseModifier + 1 |
$PressedTime = $PressedTime + 1 |
Else |
$PressedTime = $PressedTime + 1 |
EndIf |
EndFunc |
Func _ResetSpeed() |
$MouseModifier = 1 |
$PressedTime = 1 |
EndFunc;==>_ResetSpeed |
Func CrossHairsSOLID(ByRef $hdc) |
Local $hPen, $hPenOld |
$hPen = DllCall("gdi32.dll","hwnd","CreatePen","int",0,"int",5,"int",0x555555) |
$hPenOld = DllCall("gdi32.dll","hwnd","SelectObject","int",$hdc,"hwnd",$hPen[0]) |
DLLCall("gdi32.dll","int","MoveToEx","int",$hdc,"int",52,"int",0,"ptr",0) |
DLLCall("gdi32.dll","int","LineTo","int",$hdc,"int",52,"int",46) |
DLLCall("gdi32.dll","int","MoveToEx","int",$hdc,"int",52,"int",58,"ptr",0) |
DLLCall("gdi32.dll","int","LineTo","int",$hdc,"int",52,"int",100) |
DLLCall("gdi32.dll","int","MoveToEx","int",$hdc,"int",0,"int",52,"ptr",0) |
DLLCall("gdi32.dll","int","LineTo","int",$hdc,"int",46,"int",52) |
DLLCall("gdi32.dll","int","MoveToEx","int",$hdc,"int",58,"int",52,"ptr",0) |
DLLCall("gdi32.dll","int","LineTo","int",$hdc,"int",100,"int",52) |
DllCall("gdi32.dll","hwnd","SelectObject","int",$hdc,"hwnd",$hPenOld[0]) |
DllCall("gdi32.dll","int","DeleteObject","hwnd",$hPen[0]) |
EndFunc |
Func CrossHairsINV(ByRef $hdc) |
;~ Local CONST $NOTSRCCOPY = 0x3300087 |
DLLCall("gdi32.dll","int","BitBlt","int",$hdc,"int",50,"int",0,"int",5,"int",49,"int",$hdc,"int",50,"int",0,"int",$NOTSRCCOPY) |
DLLCall("gdi32.dll","int","BitBlt","int",$hdc,"int",50,"int",56,"int",5,"int",49,"int",$hdc,"int",50,"int",56,"int",$NOTSRCCOPY) |
DLLCall("gdi32.dll","int","BitBlt","int",$hdc,"int",0,"int",50,"int",49,"int",5,"int",$hdc,"int",0,"int",50,"int",$NOTSRCCOPY) |
DLLCall("gdi32.dll","int","BitBlt","int",$hdc,"int",56,"int",50,"int",44,"int",5,"int",$hdc,"int",56,"int",50,"int",$NOTSRCCOPY) |
EndFunc |
Func _exit() |
Exit |
EndFunc |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 998 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.1 MiB |
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ |
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> |
#include <WindowsConstants.au3> |
MsgBox(4096, "", Example()) |
Func Example() |
Local $hWnd = GUICreate("InputBox", 300, 75, -1, -1, -1, $WS_EX_TOPMOST) |
Local $iInput = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 5, 5, 290, 20) |
Local $iClose = GUICtrlCreateButton("&OK", 300 - 90, 75 - 30, 85, 25) |
GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hWnd) |
While 1 |
Switch GUIGetMsg() |
Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, $iClose |
ExitLoop |
EndSwitch |
WEnd |
Local $sReturn = GUICtrlRead($iInput) |
GUIDelete($hWnd) |
Return $sReturn |
EndFunc ;==>Example |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 399 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 399 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.2 MiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.2 MiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 66 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 66 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 66 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 66 KiB |