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# TP Rolling Update

Maîtriser les mises à jour d'applications.

  • Créer un service nommé wit basé sur l'image

    • publier le port 8080 sur le port 8080 de l'hôte

    • Augmenter le nombre de réplicas à 10

  • Vérifier que tout est OK

Créer le service wit

$ docker service create --name wit --publish 8080:8080 xian310/who-is-there:1
overall progress: 1 out of 1 tasks
1/1: running   [==================================================>]
verify: Service converged

Augmenter le nombre de réplicas à 10

$ docker service scale wit=10
wit scaled to 10
overall progress: 10 out of 10 tasks
1/10: running   [==================================================>]
2/10: running   [==================================================>]
3/10: running   [==================================================>]
4/10: running   [==================================================>]
5/10: running   [==================================================>]
6/10: running   [==================================================>]
7/10: running   [==================================================>]
8/10: running   [==================================================>]
9/10: running   [==================================================>]
10/10: running   [==================================================>]
verify: Service converged

Vérifier que les 10 réplicas sont bien créés

$ docker service ps wit
ID            NAME    IMAGE                    NODE      DESIRED S. CURRENT STATE
wc8iu98rk5k5  wit.1   xian310/who-is-there:1   docker-1  Running    Running 2 minutes ago
vhj8dqrn2auo  wit.2   xian310/who-is-there:1   docker-1  Running    Running about a minute ago
w2ccwu1p131e  wit.3   xian310/who-is-there:1   docker-1  Running    Running about a minute ago
9aels4fc44oi  wit.4   xian310/who-is-there:1   docker-1  Running    Running about a minute ago
x4hm8nnmpyj6  wit.5   xian310/who-is-there:1   docker-1  Running    Running about a minute ago
uz4jew83vgdz  wit.6   xian310/who-is-there:1   docker-1  Running    Running about a minute ago
2oy1al8c93mu  wit.7   xian310/who-is-there:1   docker-1  Running    Running about a minute ago
in2pxcvg6lyi  wit.8   xian310/who-is-there:1   docker-1  Running    Running about a minute ago
7sbqqr9k5wdq  wit.9   xian310/who-is-there:1   docker-1  Running    Running about a minute ago
yvbljq6gb3ir  wit.10  xian310/who-is-there:1   docker-1  Running    Running about a minute ago
  • Dans un premier terminal, lancer un watch sur la commande docker service ps wit.

  • Dans un second terminal, mettre à jour l'image sur laquelle le service est basé.

  • Observer les changements en temps réel dans le premier terminal.

Mettre à jour l'image

$ docker service update wit --image xian310/who-is-there:2

Après quelques secondes...

$ watch docker service ps wit

ID            NAME        IMAGE                   NODE      DESIRED S. CURRENT STATE
wc8iu98rk5k5  wit.1       xian310/who-is-there:1  docker-1  Running    Running 6 minutes ago
vhj8dqrn2auo  wit.2       xian310/who-is-there:1  docker-1  Running    Running 4 minutes ago
w2ccwu1p131e  wit.3       xian310/who-is-there:1  docker-1  Running    Running 4 minutes ago
ppglvxmngnz2  wit.4       xian310/who-is-there:2  docker-1  Ready      Ready less than a secon
9aels4fc44oi   \_ wit.4   xian310/who-is-there:1  docker-1  Shutdown   Running less than a sec
ttue4n87o1cu  wit.5       xian310/who-is-there:2  docker-1  Running    Running 5 seconds ago
x4hm8nnmpyj6   \_ wit.5   xian310/who-is-there:1  docker-1  Shutdown   Shutdown 7 seconds ago
uz4jew83vgdz  wit.6       xian310/who-is-there:1  docker-1  Running    Running 4 minutes ago
2oy1al8c93mu  wit.7       xian310/who-is-there:1  docker-1  Running    Running 4 minutes ago
in2pxcvg6lyi  wit.8       xian310/who-is-there:1  docker-1  Running    Running 4 minutes ago
7sbqqr9k5wdq  wit.9       xian310/who-is-there:1  docker-1  Running    Running 4 minutes ago
1jcfqalsi6sc  wit.10      xian310/who-is-there:2  docker-1  Running    Running 1 second ago
yvbljq6gb3ir   \_ wit.10  xian310/who-is-there:1  docker-1  Shutdown   Shutdown 1 second ago

Un peu plus tard...

ID            NAME                IMAGE           NODE      DESIRED S. CURRENT STATE
oodma7llrqzn  wit.1       xian310/who-is-there:2  docker-1  Running    Running 28 seconds ago
wc8iu98rk5k5   \_ wit.1   xian310/who-is-there:1  docker-1  Shutdown   Shutdown 29 seconds ago
jf6dw9uoyghb  wit.2       xian310/who-is-there:2  docker-1  Running    Running 46 seconds ago
vhj8dqrn2auo   \_ wit.2   xian310/who-is-there:1  docker-1  Shutdown   Shutdown 46 seconds ago
w4zk5sgd6t74  wit.3       xian310/who-is-there:2  docker-1  Running    Running 41 seconds ago
w2ccwu1p131e   \_ wit.3   xian310/who-is-there:1  docker-1  Shutdown   Shutdown 42 seconds ago
ppglvxmngnz2  wit.4       xian310/who-is-there:2  docker-1  Running    Running 59 seconds ago
9aels4fc44oi   \_ wit.4   xian310/who-is-there:1  docker-1  Shutdown   Shutdown 59 seconds ago
ttue4n87o1cu  wit.5       xian310/who-is-there:2  docker-1  Running    Running about a minute
x4hm8nnmpyj6   \_ wit.5   xian310/who-is-there:1  docker-1  Shutdown   Shutdown about a minute
xl9j97q560vd  wit.6       xian310/who-is-there:2  docker-1  Running    Running 50 seconds ago
uz4jew83vgdz   \_ wit.6   xian310/who-is-there:1  docker-1  Shutdown   Shutdown 51 seconds ago
m471v74d0rog  wit.7       xian310/who-is-there:2  docker-1  Running    Running 37 seconds ago
2oy1al8c93mu   \_ wit.7   xian310/who-is-there:1  docker-1  Shutdown   Shutdown 38 seconds ago
ssiull3z1h68  wit.8       xian310/who-is-there:2  docker-1  Running    Running 54 seconds ago
in2pxcvg6lyi   \_ wit.8   xian310/who-is-there:1  docker-1  Shutdown   Shutdown 55 seconds ago
zfbxw3yns3ec  wit.9       xian310/who-is-there:2  docker-1  Running    Running 33 seconds ago
7sbqqr9k5wdq   \_ wit.9   xian310/who-is-there:1  docker-1  Shutdown   Shutdown 34 seconds ago
1jcfqalsi6sc  wit.10      xian310/who-is-there:2  docker-1  Running    Running about a minute
yvbljq6gb3ir   \_ wit.10  xian310/who-is-there:1  docker-1  Shutdown   Shutdown about a minute
  • Effectuer un rollback pour revenir à la version précédente de l'application.

Retour à la version précédente

$ docker service rollback wit
$ docker service update wit --image xian310/who-is-there:1

Un peu plus tard...

$ docker service ps wit
ID            NAME                IMAGE          NODE      DESIRED S. CURRENT STATE
ud4218ok1y48  wit.1      xian310/who-is-there:1  docker-1  Running    Running 50 seconds ago
oodma7llrqzn   \_ wit.1  xian310/who-is-there:2  docker-1  Shutdown   Shutdown 51 seconds ago
wc8iu98rk5k5   \_ wit.1  xian310/who-is-there:1  docker-1  Shutdown   Shutdown 38 minutes ago
nk23q3nxe13g  wit.2      xian310/who-is-there:1  docker-1  Running    Running 24 seconds ago
jf6dw9uoyghb   \_ wit.2  xian310/who-is-there:2  docker-1  Shutdown   Shutdown 25 seconds ago
vhj8dqrn2auo   \_ wit.2  xian310/who-is-there:1  docker-1  Shutdown   Shutdown 38 minutes ago
3issn6des2o7  wit.3      xian310/who-is-there:1  docker-1  Running    Running 41 seconds ago
w4zk5sgd6t74   \_ wit.3  xian310/who-is-there:2  docker-1  Shutdown   Shutdown 42 seconds ago
w2ccwu1p131e   \_ wit.3  xian310/who-is-there:1  docker-1  Shutdown   Shutdown 38 minutes ago

Un seul niveau de retour arrière est possible.

Les options --update-parallelism et --update-delay permettent d'influencer le déroulement des opérations.